
Late night fun

Last night while my human was getting ready for bed I got let into the back, which only happens when I go to bed, she made the mistake of leaving her door open. Once I got in her room I jumped up on her bed and made myself comfortable. Eventually, my human joined me and we snuggled for a while, but she decided it was time to actually fall asleep so she told me to get off her bed. Speaking of beds, hers is so much softer than mine and my other humans beds, but anyways. Again once my human got home today she went to her bedroom and one of the other humans brought me back, I know my human loves me on her bed so I keep doing it. 😁


Fun Day!

Today I got to meet some new friends at the park. I had a wonderful filled day of park time and going to a soccer game. At the park I met an older dog that looked just like me! By the way I’m rocking the pink collar and purple harness.

Also at the park I got to hang out with one of my good friends Charlie, she’s older than me, but we like to play together so it works!

After spending some time at the park I went to my humans soccer game, It was great and they won this time!


Late night naps

Just a little update on my life, I went on 3 wonderful walks and I loved every minute of it! I also helped make dinner for my mom for mothers day and I watched Atlanta United play which was super exciting except I was trying to nap but my humans got excited so I abandoned that idea. I’m still working on the 10,000 hours goal, sadly 10,000 hours is about 1.15 years and I’m still a pup and my humans want me to get some exercise, but I’m working on it! Remember love is a four legged word!!! #hwpo


Early Saturday mornings… part 2

You may have seen my earlier post about Early Saturday mornings and how I like to get up and “size the day” as the humans say.

I just wanted to share with you how much I’m getting done in this first hour.

Yep, it’s gonna be a good day.


Early Saturday mornings

Sometimes I like to get the humans up extra early on the weekend just to remind them what it was like having young children.

I can tell they love it. The big grumpy one took me out for my morning “business” and then settled in on the couch to start a photo shoot while I decided it was time to go back to sleep. That guy has no chill.


Nap Time

I had a long day of chasing balls, running around the house, and playing with my humans! After doing that for hours I’m finally taking a nap, and getting ready for some more play time or maybe I’ll snuggle with my human next, who knows!


Throwback Thursday

Today I was on the trampoline and found a stick, I drove my human crazy trying to eat the pinecones on the stick. My human eventually took away the stick once I started to try to eat it 🙄.


May the 4th be with you

Woof… We here at are wishing you a Merry May 4th. May your May continue to live long and prosper.

Unfortunately, my human is much further behind on getting my site up and running than I had hoped. Maybe we’ll land this puppy (ha!) by 2022.


Just a Jeep Dog, doing Jeep Dog things

While the human was taking the top off the Jeep, I thought it’d be a good idea if I got in and offered to drive.

He didn’t let me.


Another hard day at the office!

I really have no clue what is happening

A List

  • First and foremost, at the top
  • Secondly, another item
  • Thirdly, a concise point
  • Fourth, a bit more description


Blocks provide you with everything you need to build a larger page. They contain a variety of content elements, such as images, buttons, headings, and more. These elements are arranged in rows and columns, which provide a useful structure, as well as a sense of balance within the overall composition. You can modify this structure using our intuitive drag and drop interface, which allows you to rearrange content to your heart’s content.

